It's so hard to believe Connor is 10! I can still vividly remember the day I found out I was pregnant with him. I was SO excited but a little shocked because it happened so quick. I thought it was supposed to take months so when it happened on the first try, I was surprised. I remember how much I loved being pregnant and how emotional it was to feel him move for the first time. I remember crying when I saw his tiny heart beating on my 1st ultrasound and then again 12 weeks later when I saw his sweet face on ultrasound again. I remember being scared to death when they picked up an irregularity in his heartbeat at 36 weeks and I thank God everything turned out to be okay. I remember feeling scared, nervous, and incredibly excited the day I went in to be induced. The moment he was delivered and they announced "It's a boy!" was one of the most amazing moments of my life. Having the pediatrician come in the morning we were to leave the hospital and tell us there was something wrong and my sweet newborn baby had a unexplainable fever was one of the scariest moments of my life. I remember begging them to let me stay and not discharge me. I told them I'd sleep on the floor. Of course that wasn't possible and I left the hospital at 10:30 that night without my baby. I refused to go home without him so we went to my parents' house and that is where we spent every night until Connor came home. I remember being angry that I was waking up to a breast pump instead of a hungry baby but was determined to pump enough so that they wouldn't have to give him formula once my milk came in. Every day from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, we spent in the "family room" which was just an 8x7 room with a loveseat and tv, with our baby. Ten long days later, we finally got to bring our boy home. They never did find out what caused the fever, despite numerous tests, including 2 failed spinal taps.
Connor was such a good baby. So sweet and content. He never really cried and only fussed when he was hungry (which was often in the beginning!). He had big blue eyes, a head full of dark hair and the prettiest skin ever! I could just sit and stare at him all day! Becoming a mother was the most amazing thing I have ever done. I read "Let Me Hold You Longer" by Karen Kingsbury recently and cried through the whole thing. So many of the "lasts" she mentioned have already happened for Connor. He has matured into a smart, handsome, helpful, and kind young man. I am so proud of him! I realized after Keaton was born that Connor will start high school the same year Keaton starts kindergarten. Talk about an emotional day! I feel so blessed to be mom to my boys. The years to come will be challenging but I can't wait to see what God has in store for my first born baby boy!