Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Giveaways Galore!

I recently discovered the wonderful world of blog giveaways. I was amazed at just how many there are! You can win everything from toys, to restaurant giftcards, to electronics. Mike thinks I'm crazy but I figure why not try? They odds aren't bad and maybe I can win some things for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I can't believe it's only 2 months away. We took the 3 youngest to WalMart yesterday to browse the toy section. We got a few good ideas. Mike found some cute animal flashlights for them. He's hoping if they have their own, they won't keep getting his! When we got home, there was a Gospel for Asia Christmas catalog in the mail. I'm looking forward to sitting down with the boys and picking out a few things to purchase. It's a great way to teach the boys the importance of giving and to remind them of all the people in the world who lack so many of the things we take for granted.